It was Feb 2010. I had just lost a baby and almost my life due to an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. They had to remove my fallopian tube. I was very lucky to be alive. I was absolutely devastated. I'm pretty sure I slipped into a depression but tried really hard to stay strong. I wanted a baby so bad, I was ready. I actually saw one Doctor that told me I should probably seek grieve counseling since it would be near impossible to conceive a baby because of my history, age, and having only one fallopian tube. Really? This was our second baby we lost... the first was in 2007 and just as traumatic. I would be turning 40 soon and thought I had no hope. Things took a turn for the worse with my then fiance so we took a break. At the time I didn't know it but looking back, it was a much needed break. I wasn't working and really felt like I hit rock bottom almost like the world was crashing down on me. I was really negative and felt a black cloud follow me everywhere I went - then one day, I realized I needed to pull myself together so I started to shift my thoughts into positive ones something that didn't come easy for me at that time. I began listening to my breathing and breathing in deeply. I started to write down a nightly gratitude list and praying with my whole heart before bed. Then I remembered a vision board I made when I had just graduated high school and how it all came true. So, I went to the store and bought a poster board. I already had a ton of magazines so I gathered them all up, made myself some turmeric milk tea, turned on some meditation music and started cutting out words and pictures from the magazines. I arranged my board Feng Shui bagua style. It didn't take me long to find everything that I was looking for in the magazines and what pictures or words I couldn't find I just wrote down with a pen. I was very specific and stated exactly what I felt and visualized happening in my near future. I wasn't vague. My vision had to be in detail otherwise it wouldn't work. When I was done I hung it up in my hallway next to my vanity where I got ready everyday. I was always looking at it. I really focused on my children and creativity section. There would be days I didn't look at it but still knew it was there and I would for a quick second think about one of the visions subconsciously. A couple of the things I put on my board was that I would receive a lot of money, move out of the 1 bedroom apartment we were living in and buy a house with a pool, travel to a tropical island and that I would be married but the one thing I put in actual writing and really focused on was that I would have a strong and healthy baby BY July 2011. Well, wouldn't you know, a very short time after making my board - I started a great paying job, got back together with my Fiance, traveled to Barbados, moved into a house WITH a pool, set a date and planned our wedding and conceived a baby on Oct 23rd 2010. SHE was delivered on July 14, 2011. Her name is Cozette and she is my miracle. She picked me to be her Momma and for that I am forever grateful.
That all said, I am a firm believer in manifesting your future and visualizing what you want out of life. I also believe practicing the law of attraction at an early age will only bring a positive outcome. I introduced spirituality to my kids when they were both very young. While I do not believe in organized religion, I taught both my kids to respect others beliefs, how to pray and the importance of gratitude.
My daughter was 5 and had a very curious imagination so I thought it would be a great time to have her create her first vision board. I went out and bought a bunch of magazines and a poster board. We took a moment to breathe. I turned on some nice meditative music and we talked about goals she had for her near future. She loved going through all of the fun magazines and picking out what stood out to her. She is already very spiritual with a beautiful old soul so choosing the words and pictures came easily for her. She did everything on her own I just helped her arrange them on the board.
We will definitely be doing one each year as she was very proud of her creation AND from the looks of her amazing board.... we will be adopting a fur baby soon...
To be continued...
My Vision Board 2010